National Highways

Welcome to National Highways eSourcing Portal

Our eSourcing Portal is a suite of collaborative, web-based tools that enable our procurement professionals and suppliers to interact throughout the procurement lifecycle to help achieve greater commercial value.

It provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering activities helping to reduce the time and effort required for both suppliers and buyers.

Create an Account Click here for details on how to register

Need assistance? Please contact our eSourcing Helpdesk:

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Useful Links

  • What we do

    We're the government company which plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains England’s motorways and major A roads, known as the strategic road network (SRN)


  • National Highways Contracts Pipeline

    The Contracts Pipeline is the practical application of our Delivery Plan and Supply Chain Strategy setting out our purchasing intentions throughout the Roads Investment Strategy period.

  • Find a Tender

    For best value searches tailored to your needs. Discover contract opportunities perfect for your business. Win government business. Analyse the market.

  • Cabinet Office

    We support the Prime Minister and ensure the effective running of government. We are also the corporate headquarters for government

  • Construction line

    We’ve been working with construction buyers and suppliers for 20 years – we work closely with our partners and have a deep understanding of buyers’ needs.

  • Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply

    CIPS serves the procurement and supply profession. Dedicated to promoting good procurement practice, CIPS provides a wide range of procurement services